A Contract Is Void When Mcq

A contract is an agreement between two parties that is legally binding. However, certain circumstances can make a contract void. Understanding what makes a contract void is crucial, particularly for businesses, as it can affect their operations and finances. In this article, we will discuss the concept of contracts and explore the question, “A contract is void when?”

What is a contract?

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that outlines their obligations and responsibilities towards each other. Contracts can be verbal or written, and they can be formal or informal. The essential components of a contract include an offer, acceptance, consideration, and intention to create legal relations.

What makes a contract void?

A contract can be void for various reasons. The most common reasons include:

1. Misrepresentation: If one party makes a false statement or conceals a material fact, the contract can be deemed void. A material fact is one that would have influenced the other party’s decision to enter into the contract.

2. Duress: If one party is coerced or forced into signing a contract against their will, the contract is void.

3. Undue Influence: If one party uses their power or influence to pressure the other party into signing a contract, the contract is void.

4. Lack of Capacity: If one or both parties are not legally able to enter into a contract, such as a minor or someone with a mental incapacity, the contract is void.

5. Illegality: If the subject matter of the contract is illegal, the contract is void.

6. Mistake: If both parties entered into the contract based on a mutual mistake, the contract can be voided. For example, if the parties were mistaken about the price of the goods or services being sold.

7. Frustration of Purpose: If unforeseen circumstances arise that make it impossible to fulfill the obligations outlined in the contract, the contract can be void.

In conclusion, a contract is void when any of the above conditions are met. It is important to note that if a contract is void, it is as if the contract never existed. Therefore, neither party can enforce it, and any obligations or responsibilities arising from the contract are not enforceable. It is crucial to have a clear understanding of contract law and what makes a contract void, to avoid any legal or financial implications that may arise if a contract is deemed void.